Captain America and The Avengers is an arcade game developed and released by Data East in 1991. It features the Marvel Comics characters The Avengers in a side-scrolling brawling and shooting adventure to defeat the evil Red Skull. The game received ports for the Super Nintendo. Players can choose to play as one of four members of the Avengers: Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, and the Vision. Each character can fight hand-to-hand; throw select items when on the ground; and use a ranged special attack, either a projectile weapon (Captain America's shield and Hawkeye's arrows) or an energy beam (Iron Man and Vision), known as that character's "Avenger Attack." Other Avengers, including the Wasp, Quicksilver, Wonder Man, and Namor the Sub-Mariner, appear when special power-ups are collected, allowing those characters to temporarily assist the players' characters. Have fun playing Captain America and The Avengers online! More info: Wikipedia